Next class Series begins term 3 2021

8 morning sessions: 9:15 am - 12:30 pm

Sliding Scale Price Available: $260-$300


In this class we will cover:

  • How the way you were parented affects the way you parent your children now

  • Choosing new patterns and paradigms of parenting

  • Neuroscience and why our children and we behave the way we do

  • Natural cooperation

  • Mutual respect and empathy

  • Avoiding resistance

  • Creative solutions rather than punishments

  • Encouraging our children's internal motivation

  • Building strong connection

  • Improved, empowered and compassionate communication

  • Setting limits peacefully and effectively

  • Handling anger

  • Your personal family values

  • Bringing in more play

  • Building your supportive community around yourself

  • And more!

Register Below:

(Sliding Scale Price Available: $260-$300)

I wasn’t sure what the course would cover or what it would be like (fear of the unknown). Since we started working together, I am more aware of my parenting, my triggers and my needs. Your calm, gentle but clear nature helped me feel content and grounded. This work is deeper than one might expect, and I would recommend it to any and all parents. My deepest appreciation for all of your work!! I am most impressed and inspired.
— Kimberly Moore, Motueka, NZ; Mother of an 11-year-old daughter
This course asks us to reflect and look deeply into our lives, our childhoods and our parenting. Connection parenting sums it up really well. I keep coming back to ‘it’s all about connecting with my daughter’. Connection can be a bit of a trendy word, but in this case it nails it. This class can be challenging and requires a willingness to throw yourself into it. It’s not for the faint of heart. I appreciated Amy’s ability to be open, to share her own experiences and to ask probing questions. I greatly benefited from getting to know the other members of the group and from being more reflective about my own parenting. Thanks heaps.
— Mike Copeland, Motueka New Zealand; Father to a six-year-old daughter